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Generate Bag Value Objects, Collections, and Factories

Bag includes the make:bag artisan command to make it easy to generate new Bag classes, Factories, and Collections.


The make:bag command will use the provided namespace to determine the location of the generated classes. You can set the namespace using the --namespace option or you will be prompted for it. The default namespace is \App\Values.

Generating Bags

To create a new Bag class, use the make:bag command:

php artisan make:bag MyBag

This will create a new MyBag class in app/Values/MyBag.php:



namespace App\Values;

use Bag\Bag;

readonly class MyBag extends Bag
    public function __construct() {

Generating Bag Collections

To create a new Bag Collection class, use the make:bag command with the --collection option:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --collection

You can optionally specify the name of the collection class:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --collection=MyBagCollection

If none is specified, it will use prompt you for the collection name, and defaults to the Bag class name with Collection appended to it.

This will create a new MyBagCollection class in app/Values/Collections/MyBagCollection.php.



namespace App\Values\Collections;

use Bag\Collection;

class MyBagCollection extends Collection


When creating a new Bag or when specifying the --update flag, it will automatically add the Collection attribute to the Bag class.

Generating Bag Factories

The make:bag command can also generate Bag Factory classes, and will automatically generate the definition() function based on the Bag class properties.

To create a new Bag Factory class, use the make:bag command with the --factory option:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --factory

This will create a new MyBagFactory class in app/Values/Factories/MyBagFactory.php:



namespace App\Values\Factories;

use Bag\Factory;

class TestFactory extends Factory
    public function definition(): array
        return [


When creating a new Bag or when specifying the --update flag, it will automatically add the Factory attribute and HasFactory trait to the Bag class.

Updating Factories

Once you had added properties to your Bag class, you can update the Factory class using the --update option:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --factory --update


If you update the Bag class properties, you can re-run the make:bag command with the --update and --force-excluding-bag options to update the Factory class.

For example, if we update our MyBag constructor to look like the following:

public function __construct(
    public string $name,
    public int $age,
    #[Cast(DateTime::class, 'y-m-d')]
    public CarbonImmutable $birthday,
    public Money $money,
    public AnotherBag $test,
    #[Cast(CollectionOf::class, AnotherBag::class)]
    public Collection $collection,
) {

The generated factory will look like this:



namespace App\Values\Factories;

use App\Values\AnotherBag;
use Bag\Factory;
use Brick\Money\Money;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;

class MyBagFactory extends Factory
    public function definition(): array
        return [
            'name' => $this->faker->word(),
            'age' => $this->faker->randomNumber(),
            'birthday' => new CarbonImmutable(),
            'money' => Money::ofMinor($this->faker->numberBetween(100, 10000), 'USD'),
            'test' => AnotherBag::factory()->make(),
            'collection' => AnotherBag::collect([AnotherBag::factory()->make()]),

Expected Usage

Because the factory is based on the Bag class properties, you will typically create and customize the Bag value object, and then create the factory. To do this, you would follow these steps:

  1. Create the Bag class (optionally, with a collection):
php artisan make:bag MyBag --collection
  1. Customize the Bag class

  2. Create the Bag Factory:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --factory --update

If you have already created the factory, you must add the --force-except-bag option to overwrite it:

php artisan make:bag MyBag --factory --update --force-except-bag


If you use the --force option instead of --force-except-bag it will overwrite your customized Bag Value class, losing any customizations.

The make:bag Command

The make:bag command has the following options:

  Create a new Bag value class, with optional factory and collection.

  make:bag [options] [--] <name>


  -F, --force                    Force overwriting all files
  -E, --force-except-bag         Force overwriting Factory/Collection files
  -u, --update                   Update Bag class to add factory/collection
  -f, --factory[=FACTORY]        Create a Factory for the Bag [default: "interactive"]
  -c, --collection[=COLLECTION]  Create a Collection for the Bag [default: "interactive"]
  -N, --namespace[=NAMESPACE]    Specify the namespace for the Bag
      --pretend                  Dump the file contents instead of writing to disk
  -h, --help                     Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                    Do not output any message
  -V, --version                  Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi           Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction           Do not ask any interactive question
      --env[=ENV]                The environment the command should run under
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose           Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Made with 🦁💖🏳️‍🌈 by Davey Shafik.