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You're browsing the documentation for an old version of Bag. Consider upgrading to the latest version.

What's New in Bag 2.2

var_export() support

Bag 2.2 adds support for var_export() to enable exporting and importing Bag objects and Collections correctly.

use Bag\Bag;

$bag = MyBag::from(['foo' => 'bar']);

var_export($bag, true); 
// \Tests\Fixtures\Values\MyBag::__set_state(array(
//  'foo' => 'bar'
// ))

This feature is useful for debugging and testing purposes.

AdditionalPropertiesException message improvements

The AdditionalPropertiesException message has been improved to include the class name to make it easier to debug.

Additional properties found for bag (\App\Values\MyBag): extra, foo

Made with 🦁💖🏳️‍🌈 by Davey Shafik.