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Wrapping Outputs

Bag supports wrapping both Bag values and Collections when transforming to an array or JSON.

Wrapping Bags

To wrap a Bag, add the Bag\Attributes\Wrap or Bag\Attributes\WrapJson attribute to the class:

use Bag\Attributes\Wrap;
use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag {
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public int $age,
    ) {}

Now whenever you call ->toArray() or serialize to JSON, the output will be wrapped in a key of data:

$myValue = MyValue::from(['name' => 'Davey Shafik', 'age' => 40]);
$myValue->toArray(); // ['data' => ['name' => 'Davey Shafik', 'age' => 40]]
$myValue->toJson(); // {"data":{"name":"Davey Shafik","age":40}}

If you only want to wrap when serializing to JSON, you can use the WrapJson attribute instead:

use Bag\Attributes\WrapJson;
use Bag\Bag;

class MyValue extends Bag {
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public int $age,
    ) {}

Now when you serialize to JSON, the values will be wrapped, but when calling ->toArray() the output will not be wrapped

$myValue = MyValue::from(['name' => 'Davey Shafik', 'age' => 40]);
$myValue->toArray(); // ['name' => 'Davey Shafik', 'age' => 40]
$myValue->toJson(); // {"data":{"name":"Davey Shafik","age":40}}


You can add both Wrap and WrapJson attributes to the same class to apply different wrapping to ->toArray() and JSON serialization respectively.

Wrapping Collections

Wrapping Collections works exactly the same way as with Bags: add the Bag\Attributes\Wrap or Bag\Attributes\WrapJson attribute to the Collection class:

use Bag\Attributes\Wrap;
use Bag\Collection;

class MyCollection extends Collection {

Now when you call ->toArray() or serialize to JSON, the output will be wrapped in a key of data:

$collection = MyValue::factory()->count(2)->make();

$collection->toArray(); // ['data' => [["name" => "Davey Shafik", "age" => 40], ...]]
$collection->toJson(); // {"data":[{"name":"Davey Shafik","age":40}, ...]}

Made with 🦁💖🏳️‍🌈 by Davey Shafik.